Fix My PHONE Bill


We provide independent recommendations to reduce the telecommunications expenses found on your phone, wireless and Internet invoices.

If you are confused about what you are being billed and feel you are paying too much for the telecom services you have, we can review all of the billed items and make recommendations to be sure you have all of the services you want at the lowest possible cost.  We can also take responsibility for making all of the changes you want and make sure they are implemented properly and bill accurately.

It is a well know fact that most invoices contain errors that cost you money, month after month.  You may be paying for local calls that could be free.  Do you know that you can have two different long distance carriers, one for intra-LATA calls and one for inter-LATA calls?  There are even charges that appear on your invoices that appear to be taxes that are actually charges that are kept by your phone company.  Are you losing money to cramming and slamming?

Many organizations do little more than find  the total monthly charges on each invoice and pay the bill.  How long has this been going on without any review of each invoice?  In our struggling economy, organizations have reduced personnel as much as possible and are trying to focus on core activities.  Is there even someone on staff who has the experience and knowledge to audit a phone, cell or Internet invoice and assess what is a proper charge and what is not, or even if all of the charges belong to you?  This is why you need someone with the telecom knowledge and experience to review your invoices and find the problems, make the recommendations, fix the problems, and verify the results to make sure your telecom services are not wasting your organization's money.

Since we are an independent consultant and do not sell any services or equipment ourselves, we provide unbiased recommendations for any business or organization.  We have the knowledge and experience to review all of your telecom costs and make sure you have all of the services you need at the lowest possible cost.  Auditing your telecom invoices is an easy way to reduce the cost of your telecom expenses and put more of your money into your pocket instead of your carrier's.

Once all of your phone, wireless and Internet services are cleared of any billing problems and your service configurations are optimized, we also have management programs to monitor your invoices on a regular basis and make sure new problems don't return and start chipping away at the newly reduced costs.  When any new problems appear, we will address them and make sure they are resolved as soon as possible and your costs are kept to an absolute minimum.

To get your telecom bills and services under control, get our expert help.

Call now at (888) 761-1114 or email us by clicking here.

Fix My Phone Bill

Your connection to getting the most from your telecommunications expenses 
(888) 761-1114